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Phases of Treatment


Orthodontic treatments can be a success for patients of any age. However, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that patients first be seen when they are 7 years old unless a problem becomes apparent at an earlier age. This is the ideal age to achieve the best results with the least amount of time and expense. If necessary, your orthodontist may suggest starting with the first phase of treatment.

First Phase of Treatment

The purpose of the first phase of treatment is to use basic techniques to guide or redirect facial growth. This phase is usually started when the permanent incisors and first molars erupt, however the severity of each patient’s condition will always dictate the timing of their treatment.

  • Crossbites, if not corrected in the earlier years, may lead to future developmental and asymmetrical facial problems.

  • Premature loss of a baby tooth may require a space maintainer to hold the space until the permanent tooth erupts.

  • Early extractions of baby teeth at this age may help alleviate crowding of the anterior teeth until the child is older. At that time, a decision must be made whether or not permanent teeth need to be extracted.

  • Headgear or functional appliance treatment may be necessary if there is a discrepancy between upper and lower jaw positions.

  • A Habit Breaker may be indicated for a persistent thumb sucking or tongue thrusting habit.

Second Phase of Treatment

Once the first phase has begun, starting the second phase (moving to a set of full braces) is usually necessary. This helps position teeth into their ideal alignment. For most patients, the second phase begins at age 12 as the last permanent teeth are ready to come in.

Full braces are typically worn from 10 to 24 months depending on the severity of the patient’s condition. Some plans may also require additional orthodontic treatments such as the use of elastics (rubber bands), headgear, or other removable appliances. The best age for this treatment phase is between ages 10 and 14 for girls and 11 to 16 years for boys.


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