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Patient Info
New Patient / First Visit

While many of our patients are referred by their dentist, you are also welcome to call us directly for an initial consultation.

After you schedule your first appointment we will mail you a welcome package. This includes a comprehensive health history questionnaire and a tempromandibular joint questionnaire. This is our way of gathering facts to aid us in answering your questions about your orthodontic needs. When you receive them at home, please complete them, and bring them with you to your first appointment. To download these forms, click here.

Initial Visit

Children and Adolescents:

At the first visit, the doctor will examine the general condition of the jaws and teeth. During the initial visit we will describe the problems that are present and discuss the appropriate timing for treatment. The timing of treatment is very important in obtaining an ideal result. Assessment of facial growth and supervision of eruption of permanent teeth helps to achieve results which may otherwise be unattainable if treatment were initiated after the jaws have completed grown.

Some bite problems are easier to treat at a younger age and can prevent problems from getting worse, while for other bite problems, it is best to wait for all of the permanent teeth to erupt to begin treatment.

If treatment is needed at this time, an appointment for full diagnostic records will be scheduled. Should a child not be ready for treatment at the initial appointment but may need treatment in the future, we will set up a recall appointment to monitor growth and development. A letter outlining the doctor's preliminary findings will be forwarded to your child's general dentist. You do not need a direct referral to set up an initial evaluation.  Also, please note that there is no charge for an initial evaluation.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that a child be evaluated at age 7, even if the general dentist has not made such a recommendation. This is an excellent time to start monitoring a child's growth patterns and to recognize the development of early problems such as small jaw structure or improper bites. Some children will benefit from early interceptive treatment. For children who do not need early treatment, full orthodontic treatment can be started later and accomplished in one comprehensive phase.


If you think braces are just for kids, think again. The fact is, many of our patients are adults. That's because today, thanks to the newest technologies, correcting problems is possible at any age. At Orthodontics Associates, we take pride in treating adults of all ages as well as children. Modern orthodontic treatment is more comfortable, less visible and often requires fewer appointments than you might expect. Some of these treatment options allow us to obtain dramatic results in facial appearance—even in the most severe cases. On your initial visit, you will receive a thorough clinical evaluation regarding your teeth and their relationship, facial bone structures and jaw joints.

After your evaluation, we will review our preliminary findings with you, providing as much information as possible from our clinical exam all at no charge.

Diagnostic Records:

Diagnostic records are made to formulate a full diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment.

Complete diagnostic records include:

Panoramic X-Ray: A full view of the jaws and all teeth. Its purpose is to record tooth and root positions during all phases of orthodontic treatment.

Cephalometric X-Ray: A profile head x-ray. Its purpose is to record the relationship between tooth position and jaw placement, and to determine how this relationship will affect tooth movement.

Digital Photographs: Both of the patient's face and teeth. Facial and intra-oral photographs are utilized to track the progress of treatment as the teeth move under orthodontic care from beginning to completion.

Orthodontic study models: Plaster or digital replicas of the teeth. Their purpose is to record tooth position and to aid in the determination of the optima treatment plan.

Radiographic or M.R.I. images of the tempromandibular joints may be required.

The orthodontist will use these records and any X-rays sent to us from the general dentist or previous orthodontist to make a custom treatment plan to address the needs of each patient.

The doctor will study the records and come up with an individualized treatment plan which will be presented to you at the Treatment Conference appointment.

Treatment Conference:

During this appointment, you will receive extensive information about the records, thoroughly review the optimal treatment plan, treatment objectives, patient responsibilities and expectations, and estimated treatment time. At this appointment we will also discuss the cost of your particular treatment and answer questions you have in regards to insurance and payment options. We are here to answer any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Orthodontic treatment is a team effort; your treatment will progress more favorable when you understand how and why things are done.

We hope this gives you an overview of what to expect on your first few visits. After the consultation you will be on your way to a new smile and healthy bite.

We will have the opportunity to know each other over the course of your treatment and we look forward to the opportunity to serve your orthodontic needs in a friendly and fun environment.


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