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Patient Info
Appointments & Scheduling


Scheduling Appointments

We schedule visits on an appointment basis. The frequency and length of appointments varies depending on the particular treatment needed that day. The appointment when you get your braces usually takes from 1-2 hours. You will then see us on regular intervals for adjustments which take 15-30 minutes.

There will be specific types of appointments that may require middle of the day scheduling. We will work hard to accommodate your scheduling needs.

We ask that you please be on time. We respect the time of our patients and their parents and make every effort to keep our schedule on time. Unfortunately, occasionally, cumulative delays due to emergency appointments and unexpected problems on regular scheduled patients frequently cause us to fall behind. We want to see you on time, have adequate time to do the necessary procedures, answer questions, and update you on treatment progress.

All appointments should be made before leaving the office. Patients are generally seen every 4-8 weeks during treatment.

When braces are removed and retainers are placed, these intervals are gradually extended.

Broken Appliances

If you are aware of an unusual problem, it would help us to plan ahead if you would call and advise our office.

Missed Appointments

We ask that should you need to reschedule an appointment, please give us at least 24 hours notice. This courtesy allows another patient to take advantage of that available appointment time. Missed appointments or numerous appointment changes will inevitably result in an extension of treatment time. Our goal in rescheduling appointments is to keep your treatment progressing and on time. Waiting for a convenient after school appointment can delay treatment.

Seeing your Dentist

All orthodontic patients are expected to see their dentists for regular examinations before we start, at least every 6 months during treatment, and soon after the removal of braces. Adult patients are expected to see their dentist a minimum of every 6 months for a cleaning and exam while fixed orthodontic appliances are in place.


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